Det här är så gott att både S och T föll i extas när de åt det första gången. Men det är fett. Värsta bästa tröstmaten när man tycker synd om sig själv...
1/2 grillad kyckling
1 liten röd lök
1 liten grön paprika
1 dl creme fraiche "paprika & chili"
2 dl riven ost
1 krm salt
4 stora tortillabröd
Bena ur och skär kycklingköttet i rätt små bitar. Hacka rödlök och paprika väldigt fint och blanda med kycklingen, creme fraiche, ost och salt.
Fördela jämnt på tortillabröden. Vik ihop dem på hälften och stek dem gyllenbruna i smör i stekpanna. 2-3 min på varje sida. Inte för varmt för då blir de bara svarta.Dela varje halvcirkel i 2 eller 3 tårtbitar och servera som tilltugg.
oooh, jaaaaa.... Hade glomt den. OJ, vad hungrig jag blev! Och har inte med lunch idag sa maste kopa, men alla sma kryp (studenter) borjar idag, sa hela campus ar oversvammat. Ston.
SvaraRaderaMen vad har hant med din fontstorlek?
Another good one... This is also a good way to get 'rid' of leftover chicken, esp those rotisserie ones you can get from the shops. My hacked translation:
SvaraRaderaChicken Quesadilla
1/2 a cooked chicken (deboned)
1 small red onion
1 small green pepper
100 mL of creme fraiche (with hot peppers)
200 mL of grated cheese
1 (amount) of salt
4 large tortillas
Cut up chicken in small pieces. Chop pepper and onion finely and mix with creme fraiche, cheese and salt. [I'd skimp on the salt a bit if the chicken is already salted].
Spread mixture evenly in the tortilla and fold in half. Fry in a bit of butter for 2-3 minutes on each side. Not too hot though, otherwise they just blacken and don't cook through.
Divide each half in to 2 or 3 pieces.
Another good recipe! My only addition is if you haven't got any leftover chicken... and are living in the UK where very bland chicken breast meat is really the only option... you can do this: thinly slice up the meat, stir-fry fashion, marinade (about an hour, best over night though) in some Nando's or similar peri-peri sauce. If you don't have Nando's you could even use garlic or spicy style Worcestershire sauce (not the normal type, how British is that) mixed with a shot of tobasco. Fry the chicken up with a tiny bit of oil, fairly high heat (as you'll have small pieces). This'll do as a substitute.
the: jag vet inte vad som hänt. Jag försökte laga den med det gick sådär. Vi får leva med det.
SvaraRaderaSteve: You are now our Awesome Official Translater: better than google translate. Also, you're very innovative when it comes to find scottish substitutes. I imagine that isn't always easy.
Btw yes its a good one...
MMmmM!!!! Works also well with some tabasco added, and zucchini and mushroom in small pieces. And fake vegan chicken fried in hot sauce. (all added to the above). YUM!!!
SvaraRaderaUmmm hold on.
SvaraRaderaFake. Vegan. Chicken? Sounds almost sacrilegious.
Also it makes me wonder, what part of it is fake? The vegan part? The chicken part? I don't understand!
This is an ingenious way of making everyone happy, by letting them interpret it the way that suits their state of mind: The militant meat eater attaches the word fake with vegan, and happily slaughters a real chicken. The militant vegan attaches the word fake with chicken, and only have to find something to substitute the dairy products. While everyone in between these two extremes, happily notice that the recipe works with whatever they have closest at hand :)