The du borde skämmas! Du har inte publicerat något sen 19 aug. Fy.
För övrigt är detta ett snabbt recept med goda, enkla smaker. Och det innehåller fetaost. Jag fattar inte att ni sitter här och läser istället för att testa det.
räcker till ca 3 personer eller 1 C
3 st kycklingfiléer (normal storlek, inte anabola kycklingar)
2 vitlöksklyftor
2 tomater
1 tsk salt
1 tsk basilika (el några blad färsk)
2 dl grädde
1 dl mjölk
150 g god fetaost
Koka pasta till 3 personer.
Skär kycklingen i rätt små bitar. Hacka vitlök. Skär tomat och fetaost i bitar.
Stek kycklingen i smör, lägg i vitlöken mot slutet. Salta och peppra. Häll på gräddmjölken och tomaterna och låt koka ett par minuter. Dra av grytan från plattan och häll i fetaosten och basilikan. Smaka av med salt och peppar.
Servera med pasta. Bjuder man C får man göra dubbelsats. Och ja Theresa, du får äta svarta oliver till, men jag tycker inte om det.
Tally-ho and chocks away, here goes the English translation:
SvaraRaderaChicken-Tomato-Feta Pasta
This is a quick recipe with a good simple taste, which also includes feta cheese. I cannot believe you sit here and read rather than to test it. [I just had to leave that last line as translated, sounds so angry Ukranian Grandma, apologies to Sofia.]
Should feed about 3 people, or 1 [big person like Steve]
3 chicken breast fillets (normal size, not chickens on steroids)
2 cloves of garlic
2 tomatoes
1 teaspoon salt
black pepper
1 teaspoon basil (or some fresh leaves)
200 mL of cream
100 mL of milk
150 g of good feta cheese
Boil pasta sufficient for 3 people. Cut the chicken into small pieces. Chop garlic. Cut tomato and feta cheese in pieces. Fry the chicken in butter, adding the garlic at the end. [something about salty and savoury?] Pour on cream and tomatoes and boil a few minutes. Take the pot off the heat and add the feta cheese and the basil. Season with salt and pepper.
Serve with pasta.
[Comments: Yeah, olives are a no-go with me as well, and normally I am very hesitant with fresh tomatoes, but cooked enough they are just fine. This is a nice simple recipe with a touch of class.]
Lovely! I'm totally a testy Ukranian grandma at heart!!!! I should tie a scarf around my head and wear a dotted apron and yell at you for sitting in front of the computer instead of being out in the fresh air.
SvaraRaderaOne more comment: When I made this I was feeling cheap and saw a package of organic chopped chicken breast in the 75% off bin at Tesco. Horray, except there wasn't enough chicken, so I supplemented with some cheap button mushrooms, halved. Sorry for the adulteration, but it worked quite well.
I want more pastalicious recipes!!! I'm in pasta mood!