En adopterad jultradition från mitt nuvarande residensland! Enkelt och juligt och himla gott. Speciellt bra eftersom jag inte lätt kan få tag på glögg.
1 l äpplejuice eller äpplecider (dock ej svensk äpplecider, utan vad som avses är snarare sån där färskpressad äpplejuice som inte blivit filtrerad)
2 kanelstavar
(valfritt)1+2 tepåsar av valfri sort (äpple/kanel fördjupar smaken)
lite hela nejlikor
Värm sakta (om man har en sån där elektrisk gryta som är på svag värme hela tiden, är det idealiskt för fest o dyl). Drick i trevliga koppar. Helt underbart..
Here's how "på engelska":
SvaraRaderaHot Apple Cider
1 litre of apple juice or soft cider
2 cinnamon sticks
1 or 2 tea bags (optional)
a few whole cloves [this translated as carnations!?]
Heat slowly together. This is best served from the slow cooker at a party because it keeps it at just the right temperature.
[Just a few of my own notes:
We have this all the time at Christmas and there are hundreds of different ways of doing it. You can buy mulling spices commercially (schwartz used to do them but since they got bought out my McCormick, I don't know) or you can make your own. Basically cinnamon, cloves, orange and/or lemon peel, nutmeg, allspice and sometimes even ginger (crystalised sugary kind). You put in a cheesecloth bag and soak away in the whatever (cider, wine, brandy). Us teetotallers can use soft cider or grape juice or blackcurrant/ribena/vimto (warning grape juice or ribena is mega sweet).
This whole thing comes from an old tradition of wassailing, going about door-to-door singing, mainly for the purpose of getting some of the above drink (formerly called wassail). A side note is that in Newfoundland they have 'mummers' who go around dressed up funny and acting weird, apparently it is quite a scene. Wikipedia tells me it has something to do with pagan traditions and scaring away spirits. The word wassail comes from the 'ye ole English' wæs hæil which I'm told means be healthy.
So, anyways, drink up and be healthy, or slainte mhath...